noun nu·tri·tion \nu̇-ˈtri- shən\
The process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy.
Eating well is a part of daily life, not a fad diet, and it is a continuous, cumulative effort.
Anything that you choose to consume, mindfully or distracted.
This is no secret. Eat whole, real food people. Does it grow on a farm? Come from the land? Water? Need water and proper ‘nutrition’ to grow?
You’ve heard it before: you are what you eat. Literally. Every single cell in your body is composed of the food you eat…every single cell in your body has a lipid (fat) membrane. So what are your cells made of? Genetically modified and Round-Up Ready Crisco that oxidizes and releases free radicals? Or naturally occurring monounsaturated fats from a sun-ripened avocado? Feed your body good food so it can grow properly.
Healthy: free from disease or pain: enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, and spirit. Merrium-Webster. Notice this definition says nothing about ‘looking’ a certain way!